Age: 22

Invoice No: MCHA-220711-001

Invoice Date: 11-07-2022

Gender: F

Deliver Date: 12-07-2022

Report No: MCHA-220711-001

Referred By: Self


Investigation: COVID-19 Antibody (IgG/IgM)

Facility: Medical Center Hospital, Chattogram, RT-PCR LAB

Case ID: MCHA-220711-001

Mobile: 01814190335

Passport: EB0089072



Upazila: Hathazari

District: Chittagong

Name of Test Result Unit Opinion Reference Range
SARS-CoV-2IgG Antibody 0.53 µg/ml POSITIVE(+VE) Negative:<0.30 Non-Negative:0.30-0.42 Positive:>0.42
SARS-CoV-2IgM Antibody 0.27 µg/ml NEGATIVE(-VE) Negative:<0.30 non-Negative:0.30-0.42 Positive:>0.42

Specimen: Serum

ResultDate: 11-07-2022

Methods: ELISA:

Comments: Please correlate clinically

Specimen Collected: 11-07-2022

Interpretation of the results:

** Positive:Indicates presence of SARS-CoV-2IgG &IgM Antibodies

** Negative:Indicates absence of SARS-CoV-2IgG & IgM Antibodies


· This is a quantitative test for the detection of SARS-CoV-2(COVID-19) IgG & IgM Antibodies in human serum or plasma.

· Positive test indicates vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 or exposure to SARS-CoV-2

· Negative test indicates absence of SARS-CoV-2IgG &IgM antibodies hence immunity status can not be established

· IgG antibody usually becomes positive after 8-13 days of infection & peaks around 21days

Limitations of the results:

This product is designed for use with human serum and plasma only.

The test is a qualitative assay and is not for quantitative determination of antibodies concentration

levels. The intensity of the band does not have linear correlation with the antibody titer of the specimen.

The results obtained should only be interpreted inconjunction with other diagnostic results and clinical information.

This report has been issued electronically by Medical Center Hospital, Chattogram, RT-PCR LAB. Any party that relies on the result of this report should first check its authenticity by contacting MCH Or Scanning QR Code. with MCH is not responsible for any misuse of this report or its contents.

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